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Member Success Stories

Ameri Shape:
Life is grand. I have been in maintenance and at goal for over 18 months now, and I love Ameri shape more now than ever. Besides allowing me to be healthy for life without constant worry , hunger and deprivation, eating this way has eliminated the chronic fatigue syndrome, controls my hypoglycemia and really helps to control the ADHD. It is the best plan ever for total health and I will never go back to starchy high carb or unnatural foods ever!!....
Becky Marsh, Collierville, TN

Dear Friends:
I am 61 years old and found out that I had Type II diabetes about 6 months ago. I knew that I had to get control of my health if I wanted to live a quality life. I started The Ameri Shape Plan about 3 months ago and have been amazed that I was able to lose 5 sizes. Not only am I down to my lowest body weight in 15 years, but my blood sugar has stabilized under 100 mg/dl. This way of eating is very sustainable....I can’t wait to see how much more I will improve over the next few months.
Anita Gross , Charlotte ,NC

Just wanted to fill you in on how things were going for me. I did use your 15 Day take Off Phase and it worked wonderfully! I dropped the 12 pounds I wanted to and with a little help from my coach I've stayed at the weight I wanted to be at. I am now eating a lot healthier then I was before and it really is making a differ- ence.
Thank you Ameri Shape Tina L. Raleigh, NC

Thank you
for the suggestion to jump start my program again. I've had to tend to some family business and have been unable to come for a while. Now I'm ready to get going again. Right now I'm where I want to be but with winter coming my body tends to say: STORE FAT! If you get back with me about. . .Oh. . .December I'll let you know how it works for me. Once again THANK YOU!!!! Rene Pallat, Ohio Dear Staff: I have followed the Ameri Shape routine for the 36 weeks and I feel great! I started the plan at 240 lbs. and am now at 185. I've just finished the Take off Phase again. My husband and children have also taken advantage of the good food at night but now my spouse has started to follow the entire plan. It has removed problems I used to have with my sugar levels. We are trying to get the children to eat more from the grocery check list during the day. I enjoy the coaching my trainer has provided.
Sincerely, Hilda Garmney Austin, TX

Anita was a Type 2 diabetic
who was about 70 pounds overweight when she started the program a year ago: “I tried the Ameri Shape Plan after a friend lost weight with it. I had asked my doctor about it, and he supported me 100%, because he said my weight was mak- ing my diabetes much worse, and he was worried about my heart. The Take Off Phase was a big adjustment because I loved Krispy Kreme donuts, cakes and all kinds of sweets. But I realized after about a week on the plan that I wasn’t really craving them anymore! Instead, I reached for some fruits and vegetables at snack time and felt really satisfied. The best part for me was when I realized I could fit into clothes I hadn’t worn in years – and I looked great! But my doctor is happiest about my blood sugar, which has stabilized so much that I don’t have to take medication any longer for my diabetes. In fact, he told me that if I stay on the Maintenance Program from now on, I may never need medication again! I’m healthier, better looking and happier. I love the Ameri Shape System. Pretty good testimonial, huh? What the Ameri shape plan did for Anita it can do for you, too.

I have decided that Ameri Shape is the way for me and even though I procrastinate about drinking my water, doing the 30 minute circuit routine and even cheat- ing on the weekends, I am dedicated to A.S.
Kim Hutto Jacksonville, FL